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Sunday, January 01, 2006

seachers delight

Everyone wants to be able to make a few dollars on the internet with programs.

However everyone also forgets that Search Engines are the money makers. Everyone does searches at one time or another and there are some really great affiliate programs out there.

Listed below are three that I use and yes I have been paid on time everytime.

they are listed in the rank

1) ads2shopbuy.Active website can earn you up to 1400.00 per month, the only reasonI know is that I have two very active websites and I am earning verynicely with this one.

2) searchtimesI have been with this program for 3 years and have been paid on timeeach time without requesting my payment

3)Just-searchis very nice and I am doing well with it. low 5.00 payout engines have a good return on making you money and you justhave to find the right ones to be affiliates with.

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